Will blogging change everything?: “I won’t say blogging replaces everything, but images and branding is expensive. People won’t do that much anymore. Look at the Beauty blog – she writes about perfume and people listen to her opinion.” (Adriana Cronin-Lukas, Big Blog Company). Kutipan-kutipan menarik dari diskusi (Netimperative Roundtable) dengan topik “Blogging” yang diadakan di London beberapa hari lalu. Salah satu Quote lain datang dari Alistair Shrimpton (Six Apart UK): “Blogs will be an extremely important part of the marketing mix in next few years.” Hmm, gw rasa gak perlu nunggu bertahun-tahun lagi deh… 😉
harusnya You-know-who kita kirim ke sana, ya….
#1, untuk dicium rame-rame? 😀
kutipan favorit saya pulang dari seminar blogging tempo hari adalah: “Blog is the way to take the internet back from the geeks”, ujar JP Erkkola dari Nokia
#3, nunggu “revenge of the geeks” 😀
There is no internet without geeks !
isn’t that blogging create the geek out of people? heh.
#6.. hohoh hu uh.. justru the internet creates geeks 😀