
bisa berinternet lagi

Beberapa hari ini koneksi internet di kantor lagi tewas… ;( Gue gak bisa ngeblog dan cek e-mail … Akhirnya, beberapa menit yang lalu udah beres masalahnya… ๐Ÿ™‚

Om Daniel SMS

Tadi pagi gue di sms sama Om Daniel. Udah lama gak kontak-kontakan sama dia. Kaget juga dia masih ingat gue. Menurut gue, he’s my best friend from Kompas Group. Dia masih betah di Warta Kota, katanya sekarang dia naik pangkat jadi koordinator foto. Emang pantas dah dia di posisi itu.

I’m Back!

Hi, I’m back! ๐Ÿ™‚ Bisa nge-blog lagi nih ;D closed

satu lagi jenis service URL redirection yang mesti ditutup sementara…

Mon 8th Okt. temporarily closed all redirections

Due to some users repeated violations of our conditions, our network providers
have forced us to close our service.
The service will be restarted as soon as we’ve found a way to check the content of all sites that uses our service.

To check your email go to my email webidentity will do everything we can to prevent abuse of our service.

As we expect a lot of emails, we will not respond to emails with questions about when we start again.

Hampir saja..

Uh.. hampir saja gue rugi gara-gara salah milih hosting yang ini… soalnya, sering down.. ๐Ÿ™ Mujur duit gue bisa dibalikin… ๐Ÿ™‚