Tadi pas mau lihat jadual pengumuman pemenang 7th Annual Webby Awards, yang ternyata baru akan diumukan pada tanggal 6 Juni 2003, eh mereka juga menggelar award yang lain lho. Yaitu Webby Business Awards!

Now, as we enter our seventh year, we are pleased to announce a second awards program — the first annual WEBBY BUSINESS AWARDS — honoring Web sites that excel at achieving fundamental business goals such as increasing sales lead generation or enhancing customer loyalty and retention. These awards recognize creative and strategic excellence, as well as marketplace impact, to encourage innovative and measurable online business initiatives.

The Webby Business Awards shine a global spotlight on the companies and professionals using the Web most effectively as a mature and critical business tool. We honor the groundbreakers that set the standards for the industry and serve as role models for the best in business on the Web.

Ada 14 kategori umum dan 6 kategori khusus yang bisa diikuti. Ke 14 kategori itu adalah Automotive, Creative Services, Financial Services, Food & Beverage, “Good Deeds”, Healthcare/Pharmaceuticals, Information Technology, Media/Entertainment, Marketing & Communications, Professional Services, Retail, Technical Services, Telecommunications, dan Travel/Tourism. Sementara kategori khususnya atau disebut Honorable Mention ada Branding & Design, Cost-Cutting/Operational Efficiency, Customer Relationship Management/Customer Loyalty & Retention, Integration of Online/Offline Experience, Product Customization/Personalization, dan Sales Lead Generation/Increased Sales.

Peserta ditunggu hingga 30 Mei 2003. Mau ikut? Gih sono! 🙂

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