
Calypso is freeware now!

Baru tahu kalau software buat urusan e-mail, Calypso, sekarang jadi freeware. Dulunya shareware. Heran juga kenapa pembuatnya baik banget melepas begitu saja software bagus itu. Ah, yang penting masih bisa didownload di Tucows Kebetulan memang lagi cari software cek e-mail yang bagus dan gratis! 🙂


Googlematic lets you search Google through your Instant Messenging client. Well, maybe not your IM client in particular. But if you used AOL IM or MSN Messenger it would.

Wah, Google makin menggila. Apalagi sejak ngeluarin Google Web APIs. Sayang, gak pake AOL IM atau MSN. ;( gak gratis?

Setelah gak gratis lagi, nampaknya mulai ikutan juga. ;( Sekarang, di bagian pendaftarannya tertulis:

NOTE: Free service is not available at this time. can provide
service to you at the “Special Delivery” rate of 10 cents per user per month. For
more information about our “Special Delivery” service, complete the following
application. A representative will contact you as soon as possible.

Gak jelas apakah peraturan itu berlaku gak bagi account lama… Salah satu website gue bisa kena! ;(

Google protects its search results

Hei, kenapa si Google sampai main proteksi segala?

Dimandja Emoungu got a surprise when he tried to search Google this month: Instead of a results list, he says, the company handed him a “rude” note denying service.

Emoungu is not alone. This month, about 100 Comcast subscribers were temporarily shut out of Google when the search company charged the high-speed Internet access
provider with hosting some accounts that had abused its terms of service by performing “automated queries.” The crackdown cut a wide swath, taking out a block of IP
addresses, shutting down the guilty and innocent alike.
