
Target Baru NetSol/VeriSign

Domain kembali jadi headline di mana-mana. Kali ini yang jadi sasaran tembak adalah NetSol/VeriSign. Menurut berita ini:
The original owner of the domain name has won a potentially landmark court victory, allowing him to sue registrar Network Solutions for transferring his domain to a con man.

Makanya, Om VeriSign hati-hatilah ya dalam mengurus domain!

Btw, urusan domain kayaknya dari kapan hari gak kelar-kelar ya?! Sex emang kagak ade matinye? 😛

Host Evaluator

Butuh web hosting tapi masih bingung memilih mana layanan web hosting yang paling cocok? Coba pakai Host Evaluator!

Using Host Evaluator intuitive interface you can analyze the best hosts based on many of the important attributes that you seek in a good hosting environment. This includes storage space, bandwidth, 12-month cost, e-mail, support, redundancy, features, connection speed and uptime. After this, you can choose which plans you want to compare, weight your attributes according to your needs and the Host Evaluator will generate a table with the best host.

Once you have decided on the host, you can still use the Host Evaluator software to continue to check your new server’s uptime and speed and alert you if the server goes down at any time! And the best thing is that the software is totally free!

Tapi perlu tahu juga kalau dalam software itu “included what we call a “Guilt Meter” in the software that reminds you of how much you use the software and hopefully will encourage you to donate if you are using it a lot. ” 🙁

include vs ZendOptimizer

Bete ketemu “Warning: main(): stream does not support seeking in …” tiba-tiba muncul di halaman situs web kita? Sama.

Penyebabnya ada pada versi ZendOptimizer terakhir. Masalah ini baru akan diperbaiki pada update berikutnya.

Solusi sementara: tambahkan “@” sebelum include atau require. Contohnya, @include(“http://….”);

Gimana? Sudah beres atau masih bermasalah?


Ensiklonesia is originally a website that offer free accessory that allow people to include a random facts about Indonesia. We then became weblog that provide interesting articles about Indonesia. The name ensiklonesia came from the word ensiklopedia (encyclopedia) indonesia.

The goal of this project is to publicize Indonesia. A beautiful country with many great attraction such as beaches, temples, indigenous cultures, spectacular scenery, handicrafts, volcanoes, scuba diving and unique birds and animals.

UPDATE: untuk saat ini, domain Ensiklonesia.NET sudah beralih pemilik.

AVAILABLE: domain artis “tempo doeloe” lokal

Tadi, iseng-iseng ngecek, dapat hasil kayak begini:

No match for “RANOKARNO.COM”.

No match for “DIDIPETET.COM”.



No match for “DEDDYMIZWAR.COM”.

ada gak ya penggemar berat di sini yg mo sumbang domain buat mereka? he he he 😀

Scanner Negatif Film

Lagi nyari scanner yang bisa scan negatif nih. Tadi udah coba Microtek di tempatnya teman SMU yang sekarang punya toko komputer, kayaknya yang paling oke hasilnya adalah tipe ScanMaker 5900 deh. Harganya sekitar 1,3 jutaan. Di sih harganya ‘cuma’ $129 (sekitar 1 jutaan). Tapi kalau sama ongkos kirimnya mungkin bisa sama harganya.

Tapi kok di, review soal scannernya Microtek itu kurang bagus ya? Malah ada yang rekomen Canon CanoScan 5000F Scanner dan Epson Perfection 2400 Photo Scanner. Jadi bingung nih…. 🙁