Pas lagi nyari-nyari inspirasi dan referensi soal slogan, ketemu sebuah artikel menarik berjudul “The Art and Science of the Advertising Slogan” oleh Timothy R. V. Foster. Menarik dan menimbulkan inspirasi. Apalagi lengkap dengan contoh-contohnya. 🙂
The Hidden Song Archive
The Hidden Song Archive is a database of hidden and unlisted tracks from albums by all types of artists.
A hidden, or “ghost”, track is a song on an album which is not listed on the album sleeve or jacket. On a CD, usually the song is accessed by playing the final track through then going through a brief moment of silence, usually 4 or 5 minutes. An unlisted track is different because the hidden song has its own track and can be directly accessed without having to go through the previous song.
Matrix Reloaded: Mblulet!
Tidak biasanya, masih Senin pertama agak mudah bisa dapat tempat duduk yang lumayan strategis. Tidak terlalu di atas, dan tidak jauh di bawah. Asyik kan?! Ini soal dapatin tiket film The Matrix Reloaded
Soal setting dan special effect, sekuel yang satu ini memang jagonya! Tapi gue punya beberapa ganjalan nih! Apa itu?
Pertama, soal Neo bisa terbang. Oke-oke aja sih dibikin lebih super begitu, tapi kok gaya terbangnya jadi mengingatkan pada gayanya Superman ya?! Tidak kreatif ah!
Kedua, soal dialog. Nah, ini yang paling ngeselin. Yang gue ingat ada dua kali. Yang pertama pas si Neo ketemu sama Oracle. Udah ngobrolnya lama, yang diomongin juga bertele-tele (baca: mbulet!). Apalagi gak diselingi dengan adegan lain. Bikin ngantuk aja. Yang kedua, ketika bertemu dengan seseorang (penjaga Source?) sebelum masuk ke Source. Lagi-lagi ngobrol bertele-tele dan lama! Wuih! 🙁 Mungkin maksudnya mau menerangkan filosofi mereka soal matrix lebih mendalam. Itu sih oke, tapi mbok pakai cara yang lebih menghibur! 😛
Jadinya, gue kok lebih milih The Matrix yang pertama ya…
GoodLogo!com: World’s finest selection of logos
This site is dedicated to the artform of the logo and its accompanied corporate identity. We hope to serve you here with the finest selection of logos, selected and submitted by everyone from all over the world. With our voting and rating system and our classification in categories we would like to give you a multidimensional view on the best logos for different purposes. We accomplish this by letting you select different categories and styles per top-listing. Please feel free to try! In our extended info pages of logos you can also see these classifications. But that’s not all! You can also find info on by whom a specific logo was designed, where it’s from, some trivia and of course our statistics generated by all of our visitors.
With our design cases we like to give you insight on how a good corporate identity is remained through time via minor corrections on the logo. Over a longer time-span resulting in a seemingly natural evolution of the logo, whereby, in case of a good redesign-job, the logo will remain its characteristics and all of its style elements. Contest!
Buat yang suka desain kaos dan mouse pad: needs a design for “WHT Gear”! We’re looking for the best designs for T-Shirts and Mousepads. Submit your designs to this thread (and this thread only) and we’ll take it from there.
The winner will receive a prize – but I’ll leave the official prize announcement for a bit later.
Any/all entries submitted to this thread must be original designs and will become property of RS – but if your design is picked – you’ll be credited .
Please make your images the highest quality possible
Any Questions?
Lengkapnya ada di sini!
Spiral dan Logo
Spiral dan logo, adakah hubungannya? Wow, ada! Ternyata banyak sekali logo yang memakai model spiral seperti yang ditunjukkan Grant Hutchinson di sini. Menurutnya,”What is with the current profusion of spiral logotypes of late? Are they being derived from the constant spin control that internet speed companies have to put on their insane valuations? Or is it symbolizing the way technology drains away our time from family and the more important things in life? Ok, that’s a bit harsh…”
Oh ya, dia juga pesan,”Seen a swirl in your travels? Let me know about it.” Udah nemu?