
Goodbye GM!

Goodbye GM, welcome b2! Akhirnya bisa ganti tool buat ngeblog, dari GM ke b2. Sempat sebel juga sih pas tahu kode-kode dari GM seperti

{{link }}

gak bisa langsung otomatis diconvert oleh b2. Bagusnya masalah itu bisa terlewati dgn mudah berkat bantuan sh. Thanks (again) sh! 🙂

satu lagi dari Google: Froogle

froogle_t (4k image)
What exactly is Froogle?

Froogle is a new service from Google that makes it easy to find information about products for sale online. By focusing entirely on product search, Froogle applies the power of Google’s search technology to a very specific task: locating stores that sell the item you want to find and pointing you directly to the place where you can make a purchase.

What’s next? 🙂

Get Content Size

Di situs web “GetContentSize“, cukup masukkan URL dan kita akan dapat mengetahui:
– ukuran halaman html dari situs bersangkutan (dalam bytes), tanpa images, css, dan script-script lainnya,
– ukuran “text content” (everything content-related that the user is able to view),
– persentase antara ukuran halaman dan ukuran text content,
– isi text content.

Sebagai contoh, lihat hasil utk Jakob:

Total page size: 13095 bytes (not including images, attached scripts or style sheets)
Text content: 4557 bytes
Text content percentage: 34.80 %

Lengkapnya ada di sini.

Mau tahu hasilnya utk. situs web ini? Lihat di sini 😉